Avoiding and Managing Urinary Tract Infections

Getting a urinary tract infection (UTI) happens to millions of women. They’re painful, irritating infections that can leave you feeling uncomfortable throughout the day. Once you’ve had one UTI, you’re at risk of getting a second one.

Once you take an antibiotic for a UTI, you can get what’s called a rebound infection. Some urinary tract infections will require multiple treatments to completely kill the bacteria, so you can see why it’s important to avoid these infections altogether.

The causes of a UTI are multiple. You can get them from some medication side effects, so always read your pharmacy insert when getting prescriptions. You’re at high risk for getting a UTI if you have diabetes or if you’re pregnant.

Contraceptives can cause you to have a UTI as can too much sex. E.coli from the bowel can cause a UTI to develop and you can also get a UTI infection from E.coli found in pools or water parks.

The symptoms of a UTI are feeling like you didn’t get finished urinating even after you just went to the bathroom. You might feel a burning sensation while you’re urinating and you’ll also feel like you need to go to the bathroom more often than normal. You’ll notice pain below your navel and will have a general sense of not feeling well. You may also notice an odor when you urinate.

Because managing a UTI is done through antibiotics, as soon as you notice something isn’t well, call your doctor or schedule a visit. Drink a lot of fluids, especially water - and go to the bathroom when you need to. Waiting to go gives the bacteria that causes the UTI time to multiply.

Make sure that the underwear you use doesn’t have a silky or nylon crotch. Use only cotton underwear during a UTI and don’t wear snug clothes that can promote bacteria growth.

Watch your sugar intake when you have a UTI. Check your bathroom habits to make sure that you’re not accidentally wiping bowel bacteria in a way that can lead to a UTI. Sitting in a bath can also allow bacterial infections, so if you’re prone to urinary tract infections, consider giving up the baths and showering instead.

You can avoid urinary tract infections by drinking plenty of natural cranberry juice and eating foods that help with urinary health. Foods or drinks like green tea that help with urinary health are foods that are high in antioxidants. Make sure that your vitamin levels are where they should be and take a multivitamin to make sure you’re getting the minerals you need to fight back against infections.

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