You may think balancing blood sugars only matters if you are diabetic, but this is not the case. Balancing blood sugars is in fact important for everyone, for both short and long term health. It is a major factor in maintaining energy levels throughout the day and controlling your weight.
You can balance blood sugars by
- Eating little and often: Aim to eat every 2-3 hours. Always have breakfast, lunch and dinner, with healthy snacks in between.
- Not skipping meals: Skipping meals sends your body into starvation mode, meaning you're more likely to store fat.
- Eating plenty of complex carbohydrates: These include whole grains, 'brown' foods, beans, legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Complex carbohydrates contain fibre which slow the rate at which the energy from the food is absorbed, keeping your sugar levels steady and avoiding 'spikes'. In addition, they are rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
- Eat slowly: Taking your time means the sugar in your food will be released at a steady rate.
- Manage stress: You can't take always avoid it, so make sure you develop some strategies for keeping it under control.
- Watch the alcohol: Hangovers leave you feeling tired and groggy, craving simple carbohydrates
- Think about your caffeine consumption: Caffeine can give you a quick boost, but it won't sustain your energy levels for long.
- Eat protein with each meal and snack.
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